Monday, December 15, 2008

Antimony ingot,Antimony Concentrate and Antimony Trioxide

We are selling Antimony products

If you want to buy Antimony Concentrate or Antimony Trioxide you are in the right place.

We are selling only high quality Antimony, with high Antimony content, low in impurities and free of any contamination.

Antimony Location: The Antimony mine is situated in the greenstone belt in the Limpopo Province of South Africa.

Antimony Brief History: Gold was discovered here towards the end of the nineteenth century, and was mined on a small scale for many years, with antimony as a by-product. Larger scale mining started in nineteen thirty seven and has continued without any marked interruption to date.

Antimony Brief Description: The Antimony mine can be classified as a medium-scale mine and has been in operation for nearly seventy four years. During this time it has always maintained an antimony ore reserve sufficient for six to seven years of production.

Products: Antimony and gold.

Antimony Mining Method: Antimony ore is mined by sub-level open stoping and is hoisted from six shafts and an open pit.

Antimony Reserves: As of this year, proved and probable antimony reserves amounted to one million seven hundred thousand tons.

Antimony Resources: As of this year, the remaining untapped antimony ore body is calculated at eight million five hundred thousand tons of antimony ore.
Antimony Geology: The greenstone belt in the Limpopo Province is an assemblage of ancient lavas and sediments dated at more than three billion years. The rocks are strongly sheared and strike with a vertical dip. The primary antimony ore is stibnite.

Antimony Major Infrastructure and Equipment: Once the antimony ore is crushed and milled, an antimony concentrate is produced by flotation. Part of the antimony concentrate is then reworked into antimony trioxide. Gold is recovered in a gravity circuit and a number of leach and carbon absorption stages. The antimony concentrate and antimony trioxide are dried and bagged.

Antimony Future Prospects: The antimony ore bodies continue at depth and, provided the markets remain strong, mining can continue below the current depths.

Antimony Unique Features: This is the oldest known antimony deposit in the world. The mine is also the only producer of antimony concentrate and antimony trioxide in South Africa, and contributes eight percent of world antimony production.


Antimony Marketing: The Business Zone acts as the selling arm for the antimony mine.


Antimony Exporting: Many countries and satisfied antimony references.


Antimony Production Volume per month: Antimony concentrate of eight hundred metric tons and Antimony trioxide of four hundred metric tons.


Antimony Laboratory Analysis: Typical laboratory analysis of our Antimony concentrate and Antimony trioxide:


Element in Antimony

Antimony Concentrate

Antimony Trioxide



































Antimony Uses: Antimony (Sb) ranges in colour from tin-white to a steel grey, is opaque, metallic and is also toxic. Antimony trioxide, today's most significant antimony compound, is employed as a flame retardant in textiles, plastics, adhesives and building materials. It is also used in semi-conductors for making infrared detectors, diodes and acoustic devices. Antimony is also used to increase the strength and hardness of lead. Antimony's economic ore mineral is stibnite (Sb2S3). Antimony is often found associated with sulphide minerals and is generally produced as a by-product of gold mining activities.


Antimony Producers: In nature, antimony has a strong affinity for sulphur and certain metals, including lead, silver and copper. China, Russia and South Africa are the world's major producers of antimony, with China producing more than fifty percent of world demand for antimony. Principal identified antimony world resources are in Bolivia, China, Mexico, Russia, and South Africa.


Antimony Substitutes: Compounds of chromium, tin, titanium, zinc, and zirconium substitute for antimony chemicals in paint, pigments and enamels. Combinations of cadmium, calcium, copper, selenium, strontium and tin can be used as antimony substitutes for hardening lead. Selected organic compounds and hydrated aluminium oxide are often used as accepted antimony substitutes for flame retardants.


Antimony New Use: Antimony has found a new use in the manufacture of DVD's in the United States, where Engineers recently made a breakthrough discovery.


Antimony Superior Quality: The fact that these antimony products from South Africa are free of contaminants, makes them superior at a premium, over Russian and Chinese ores.


Antimony News Snippet: There are hopes of recovery in the antimony market after Christmas. Affected in depth by the global financial crisis since the start of November, antimony prices have fallen sharply. Most domestic antimony ingot and antimony trioxide plants have ceased production for a while, due to the turnaround between supply and demand. Meanwhile, suppliers started lowering prices for their products.

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Examples of Antimony Trioxide Mixture Flame-Retarded Polymers

Examples of Antimony Trioxide Mixture Flame-Retarded Polymers