Wednesday, February 28, 2007

JIEFU antimony trioxide:because of something you can understand without my explaination

1 因为爱你 所以爱你
because i love you,so i love you
2 因为你爱我 所以我爱你
because you love me,so i love you 3 因为世界上没有人比我更爱你
because no one in the world love you more than me 4 因为无时无刻想著你
because i miss you every moment 5 因为你的温柔体贴
because of your gentleness and considerate 6 因为你的坦白率真
because of your frankness 7 因为你那可爱的笑容

because of your lovely smile 8 因为你那迷人的眼睛
because of your charming eyes 9 因为你的一举一动都让我著迷
because your every action make me fascinated 10 因为你所散发出来的高贵气质
because of your noble disposition 11 因为抱著你的感觉是这么温暖
because of the warmth when i hold you in my arms 12 因为一个人寂寞的时候只有你陪著我
because only you accompany me when i am lonely 13 因为爱你让我充满自信
because loving you makes me confident 14 因为你的任性
because of your wilfulness 15 因为照顾你是我的责任
because it is my responsibility to look after you 16 因为有些是不必说出来你就能明白
because of something you can understand without my explaination
17 因为只有你最了解我的个性
because only you know of my personality best 18 因为只有你能包容我的一切
because only you can tolerate everything of mine 19 因为没有你我就不知该如何活下去
because i dont know how to continue my life without you 20 因为有你我的生活充满快乐
because of you , my life is full of happines 21 因为有你情人节才有花可送
because of having you ,i can send flowers on valentine 22 因为所有的花都不及你漂亮
because no flower is more beautiful than you

23 因为我眼中只有你一个
because i only have you in my heart 24 因为即使海枯石烂我只爱你一个
the seas may run dry and the rocks crumble,you are the only person i love 25 因为喜欢过马路时牵著你的感觉
because i love the feeling of holding your hands,when we cross the road 26 因为感谢上天赐予我一个独一无二的你
because thank the god to bestow unique person-you 27 因为有你我就满足了
because i am satified with you 28 因为只有你陪我渡过不如意的时候
because only you accompany me to pass unhappy days 29 因为时间一分一秒过去爱你的感觉却与日剧增
because although time passes by minute and second, the sentiments of loving you grow with each passing days 30 因为我们俩最谈的来
because we two get along well with each other 31 因为你让我有保护你的念头
because you make me have the thought of protecting you 32 因为初见你的感觉是前所未有的
because the feeling of seeing you for the first time never existed before 33 因为你是我的梦中情人
because you are the lover in my dream
34 因为一见锺情在我的内心燃烧著
because the feeling of falling in love at the first sight burns in my heart 35 因为我是你倾吐心事的对象
because you are the only person who listens to my mind 36 因为你让我非常放心
because you set my mind at ease 37 因为有你让我对明天充满期待
because i am full of expection for tomorrow with you 38 因为我已不再对任何人动心
because you make me never open my heart to others 39 因为爱你是最温柔的不自由
i love you because to me you are a gentle but 'no ;freedom' 40 因为我俩一起看天看海看日落日出
because we enjoy the sky, the sea and the sunrise, the sunset together 41 因为沙滩印著我俩的足迹
because there are our footprints in the sand beach 42 因为只有你肯陪我看恐怖片
because only you like to accompany me to wathch horrible movies 43 因为你曾为感人剧情而哭的淅沥哗啦的
because you were ever moved to tears by the play 44 因为我们侧夜长谈分享彼此
because we talk all night and enjoy each other 45 因为我们是天生一对
because we were born of a couple 46 因为爱过你就好
because it is fine of experiencing love you 47 因为只愿等你一个人
because i only want to wait for you 48 因为有你我看到美好的未来
because you make me see the beautiful future 49 因为有你我看到了其他人羡慕的眼光
because of having you ,i see the envious sights of others 50 因为你让我体验了爱情的伟大
because i experience the great love with you

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Examples of Antimony Trioxide Mixture Flame-Retarded Polymers

Examples of Antimony Trioxide Mixture Flame-Retarded Polymers